So for instance Tesla is working on a robot that looks like a human. At least has a human shape.

Also Boston Dynamics has a human like robot in development:

I think those developments are great news. They could replace jobs that aren’t always too interesting like picking fruit at a farm for instance. That’s why I really like that companies are developing these, and I hope the price will go down. For instance one robot thgat is already on the market is from Unitree, and costs $16,000.
But when I talk to people, some people are also nervous about it. Especially in combination with the development of AI.
First of all, I dislike war, and I can just imagine, that robots will also play a role in wars.
But the biggest fear I think is that AI will become more intelligent than us and will try to take over.
Also a fear I found on the internet is increased surveillance through robots and AI for instance.
I will do some thinking on how I perceive a future with these robots, and AI.
Thank you for reading.